First off, we are on the verge of launching the MS and PhD programs in Robotics by the summer of 2021. The students, who do not have a BS in Computer Engineering should prefer to apply to that program, since an MS/PhD in Computer Engineering would force you to go through a "Scientific Preparation" (Bilimsel Hazirlik) that would require them to take 2-4 undergraduate courses before being admitted to the graduate program.
I get many emails from candidate students who are interested in joining my group. Hence I have setup the following "test course" as a way to filter out the ones that are not worthy of my time. Please complete the following tasks before sending me an email:
If succesful, you should start working on a sample project at least 6 weeks prior to your graduate program application.
Finally your chance of being accepted is also proportional to your GPA (>3 preferably) and your ALES (>90 preferably). I will prefer full-time students who are interested in working in an existing project at my lab or students with their own scholarship/funding.
PS: Some of the tasks that are requested are deliberately under-specified. I am only interested in students who can figure them out.