I. Bozcan, S. Kalkan
Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal, submitted, 2018.
K. Oksuz, B. C. Cam, E. Akbas, S. Kalkan
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), accepted, 2018.
F. I. Dogan, I. Bozcan, M. Celik, S. Kalkan
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), accepted, 2018.
O. Tursun, C. Aker, S. Kalkan
major revision. METU Trademark Retrieval Dataset.
I. Bozcan, S. Kalkan
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
I. Dogan, S. Kalkan
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
C. Aker, S. Kalkan
International Workshop on Small-Drone Surveillance, Detection and Counteraction Techniques organised within AVSS, 2017.
M. Yaman, S. Kalkan
J. Electron. Imaging 25(3), 033013, 2016. .
H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 8(1):42-59, 2016.
H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, S. Kalkan
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (TAMD), (7)2:92-106, 2015.
H. Celikkanat, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan
17th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), IEEE, Istanbul, 2015.
S. Kalkan, N. Dag, O. Yuruten, A. M. Borghi, E. Sahin
Interaction Studies Journal, 15(1):1-37, 2014.
O. Yuruten, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan
Adaptive Behavior, 21(6):437-451, 2013.
N. Krueger, P. Janssen, S. Kalkan, M. Lappe, A. Leonardis, J. Piater, A. J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, L. Wiskott
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 35(8):1847-1871, August 2013.
Ugur E., Sahin, E
Adaptive Behavior journal. Available as: pdf. 18 no. 3-4 258-284, 2010
Celikkanat H., Sahin, E.
Neural Computing and Applications journal. Volume 19, Number 6, 849-865. Available as: pdf, 2010.
Gokce, F., Sahin, E.
Theoretical Computer Science journal. Available as: pdf, 2010.
E. Ugur, E. Oztop, E. Sahin
Proc. of the Ninth Intl. Conf. on Epigenetic Robotics (Epirob’09), Lund University Cognitive Science Studies, 146, pp. 177-184, 2010.
Turgut A.E., Celikkanat H., Gokce, F., Sahin, E.
Swarm Intelligence, vol 2, no:2-4, pp. 97-120. Earlier version also available as: pdf, 2008.
Sahin E., Cakmak M., Dogar M.R., Ugur E., Ucoluk G.
Adaptive Behavior, Vol. 15, No. 4, 447-472, 2007. Also available as web page
Sahin E. and Spears W. (editors)
3342, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2005.
- Dorigo M., Trianni V., Sahin E., Gross R., Labella T., Baldassarre, Nolfi S., Deneubourg J.-L., Mondada F., Floreano D., and Gambardella L. (2004). Evolving Self-Organizing Behaviors for a Swarm-Bot, Autonomous Robots. volume 17, pages 223-245.
- Bahceci E., Soysal O., Sahin E. (2003) A Review: Pattern Formation and Adaptation in Multi-Robot Systems. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-43. Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
I. Bozcan, S. Kalkan
Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal, submitted, 2018.
K. Oksuz, B. C. Cam, E. Akbas, S. Kalkan
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), accepted, 2018.
F. I. Dogan, I. Bozcan, M. Celik, S. Kalkan
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), accepted, 2018.
O. Tursun, C. Aker, S. Kalkan
major revision. METU Trademark Retrieval Dataset
I. Bozcan, S. Kalkan
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
I. Dogan, S. Kalkan
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018.
C. Aker, S. Kalkan
International Workshop on Small-Drone Surveillance, Detection and Counteraction Techniques organised within AVSS, 2017.
Coluccia et al.
International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2017.
U. A. Aydin, S. Kalkan, C. Acarturk
International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium, 2017 (in Turkish).
- A Gaze-Centered Multimodal Approach to Human-Human Social Interaction
U. A. Aydin, S. Kalkan, C. Acarturk
3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics Workshop on Cognition in Mixed Realities, Exeter, UK, 2017.
C. Aker, O. Tursun, S. Kalkan
25th Conference on Signal Processing and Applications (SIU), Turkey, 2017 (in Turkish).
F. I. Dogan, S. Kalkan
Technical Report No: METU-CENG-TR-2017-01, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2017.
I. Bozcan, S. Kalkan
Technical Report No: METU-CENG-TR-2017-02, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2017.
M. Celik, S. Kalkan
Technical Report No: METU-CENG-TR-2017-03, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2017.
M. Yaman, S. Kalkan
J. Electron. Imaging 25(3), 033013, 2016.
H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 8(1):42-59, 2016.
F. I. Dogan, S. Kalkan
Turkiye Robotbilim Konferansi (ToRK), Istanbul Gedik University Publications, ISBN: 9786058557215, pp. 48-51, 2-3 November, 2016 (in Turkish)
M. Celik, S. Kalkan
Turkiye Robotbilim Konferansi (ToRK), Istanbul Gedik University Publications, ISBN: 9786058557215, pp. 52-55, 2-3 November, 2016 (in Turkish)
H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan
IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (TAMD), (accepted with revision), 2015.
- H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, S. Kalkan, “A Probabilistic Concept Web in a Humanoid Robot”, IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (TAMD), (7)2:92-106, 2015. PreprintPublisher’s Website
- H. Celikkanat, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “Integrating Spatial Concepts into a Probabilistic Concept Web”, 17th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), IEEE, Istanbul, 2015. pdf
- O. Oztimur, M. A. Akkus, S. Kalkan, “An MRF Framework for Co-Solving Image Segmentation and Border Ownership”, IEEE 23rd Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Malatya, Turkey, 2015 (in Turkish). pdf
- W. Tuerxun, S. Kalkan, “A Challenging Big Dataset for Benchmarking Trademark Retrieval”, 14th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, Tokyo, 2015. pdfMETU Trademark Dataset
- I. Atil, S. Kalkan, “Towards an Embodied Developing Vision System”, Kuenstliche Intelligenz (German Journal of Artificial Intelligence), Invited for a special issue on “Bio-inspired Vision Systems”, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (in press), 2015. PreprintPublisher’s Website
- M. Yaman, S. Kalkan, “An Iterative Adaptive Multi-modal Stereo-vision Method using Mutual Information”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 26(0):115-131, 2015. PreprintPublisher’s Website
- H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Sahin and S. Kalkan, “Insansi Robotlarda Baglamin Ogrenilmesi”, 1nci Turkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansi (TORK), ODTU, 6-7 Kasim 2014. pdf (in Turkish)
- F. Gokce, S. Olgunsoylu, G. Ucoluk, E. Sahin and S. Kalkan, “Goruntu Isleme ile Mikro Insansiz Hava Araclarinin Algilanmasi”, 1nci Turkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansi (TORK), ODTU, 6-7 Kasim 2014. pdf (in Turkish)
- H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Sahin and S. Kalkan, “Learning and Using Context on a Humanoid Robot Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation”, Int. Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), 2014. pdf
- S. Kalkan, N. Dag, O. Yuruten, A. M. Borghi, E. Sahin, “Verb Concepts from Affordances”, Interaction Studies Journal, 15(1):1-37, 2014. PreprintPublisher’s webpage
- H. Celikkanat, S. Kalkan, “Using Slowness Principle for Feature Selection: Relevant Feature Analysis”, 22nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Applications (Special Session on Cognitive Robotics and Applications), Trabzon, Turkey, 2014. pdf (in Turkish)
- F. Yousefi, E. Sivri, O. Kaya, S. Suloglu, S. Kalkan, “Analysis of Widely-used Descriptors for Finger-vein Recognition”, Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2014. pdf
- O. Yuruten, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “The Learning of Adjectives and Nouns from Affordance and Appearance Features”, Adaptive Behavior, 21(6):437-451, 2013. PreprintPublisher
- N. Krueger, P. Janssen, S. Kalkan, M. Lappe, A. Leonardis, J. Piater, A. J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, L. Wiskott, “Deep Hierarchies in the Primate Visual Cortex: What Can We Learn For Computer Vision?”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 35(8):1847-1871, August 2013. Preprint
- H. Celikkanat, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “Recurrent Slow Feature Analysis for Developing Object Permanence in Robots”, IROS Workshop on Neuroscience and Robotics, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2013. pdf
- Uyanik K.F., Caliskan Y., Bozcuoglu A.K., Yuruten O., Kalkan S. and Sahin, E., “Learning Social Affordances and Using Them for Planning”, 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013. pdf
- G. Orhan, S. Olgunsoylu, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “Co-learning nouns and adjectives”, IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Osaka, Japan, 2013. pdf
- Yaman M., Kalkan S., “Multimodal Stereo Vision Using Mutual Information with Adaptive Windowing”, 13th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, Kyoto, Japan, 2013. Available as: pdf
- Sivri E., Kalkan S., “Global Binary Patterns: A Novel Shape Descriptor”, 13th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, Kyoto, Japan, 2013. Available as: pdf
- E. Sivri, S. Kalkan, “A Novel Shape Descriptor: Intersection Consistency Histograms “, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- M. A. Akkus, M. Aydinlilar, S. Kalkan, “Analysis of Junctions with Underlying Range Images”, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- M. A. Akkus, G. Topuz, B. Ozkan, S. Kalkan, “A Comprehensive Database for Border Ownership”, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- B. Ozkan, S. Kalkan, “Extraction of Border Ownership Information by Conditional Random Field Model”, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- S. Kalkan, O. Yuruten, E. Sahin, “Relating Affordances with Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives”, Special Session on Cognitive Robotics and Applications, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- Yuruten O., Uyanik K. F., Caliskan, Y., Bozcuoglu, A. K. Sahin E., Kalkan S., “Learning Adjectives and Nouns from Affordances on the iCub Humanoid Robot”. 12th Int. Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Denmark, 2012. Available as: pdf.
- Uyanik K. F., Yuruten O., Kalkan S., Sahin E. “Towards Context-aware Adjective Learning”. ICRA 2012 Future of HRI Workshop, MI, USA. Available as: pdf
- J. Ralli, J. Diaz, E. Ros, S. Kalkan, N. Krueger, “Disparity Disambiguation by Fusion of Signal- and Symbolic-Level Information”, Machine Vision and Applications, 23(1):65-77, 2012.
- Bozcuoglu, A.K., Sahin, E., “Traversability on a simple humanoid: What did I just trip over?”, 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), pp. 701-706, 26-28 Oct. 2011. IEEE Xplore
- E. Baseski, N. Pugeault, S. Kalkan, L. Bodenhagen, J. Piater and N. Kruger, “Using Multi-Modal 3D Contours and Their Relations for Vision and Robotics”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 21(8):850-864, 2010.
- Ugur E., and Sahin, E. (2010) Traversability: A Case Study for Learning and Perceiving Affordances in Robots. Adaptive Behavior journal. Available as: pdf. 18 no. 3-4 258-284.
- Celikkanat H., and Sahin, E. (2010) Steering Self-organized Robot Flocks through Externally Guided Individuals. Neural Computing and Applications journal. Volume 19, Number 6, 849-865. Available as: pdf.
- Gokce, F., and Sahin, E. (2010) The pros and cons of flocking in the long-range “migration” of mobile robot swarms. Theoretical Computer Science journal. Available as: pdf.
- Dag N., Atil I., Kalkan S. and Sahin E. (2010) Learning Affordances for Categorizing Objects and Their Properties International Conference on Pattern Recognition Available as: pdf
- Atil I., Dag N., Kalkan S. and Sahin E. (2010) Affordances and Emergence of Concepts 10th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics Available as: pdf
- Akgun B., Tunaoglu D. and Sahin E. (2010) Action Recognition through an Action Generation Mechanism. 10th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics Available as: pdf
- E. Ugur, E. Oztop, E. Sahin. Affordance learning from range data for multi-step planning. Proc. of Epirob’09. Earlier version also available as: pdf
- E. Sahin, S.T. Erdogan (2009). Towards linking affordances with mirror/canonical neurons. Presented at ISCIS Special Session on Cognitive Cybernetics and Brain Modeling. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- E. Ugur, E. Sahin, E. Oztop (2009). Predicting future object states using learned affordances. Presented at ISCIS Special Session on Cognitive Cybernetics and Brain Modeling. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- B. Akgun, N. Dag, T. Bilal, I. Atil, E. Sahin. (2009) Unsupervised Learning of Affordance Relations on a Humanoid Robot. Proc. of ISCIS’09. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- E. Ugur, E. Oztop, E. Sahin (2009). Learning Object Affordances for Planning. Presented at ICRA’09 Workshop on Sensorimotor Learning. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- E. Sahin, H. Celikkanat (2009). A Critical review of Flocking Models. Presented at ECAL’09 Workshop Agent connectivity: the role of cooperation in the regulation of the behavior of animals and robots. Available as: pdf
- Gokce F. and Sahin, E. (2009). To flock or not to flock: Pros and cons of flocking in long-range “migration” of mobile robot swarms. Proc. of The Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS’09), pp. 65-72. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Bayindir L. and Sahin, E. (2009). Modeling Self-Organized Aggregation in Swarm Robotic Systems. Proc. of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS’09), pp. 88-95. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Celikkanat H., Turgut A.E., and Sahin, E. (2009). Control of a Mobile Robot via Informed Robots. Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS’08), pp. 215-225. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Çelikkanat H., Gökçe F. and Şahin E. (2008) .Self-Organized Flocking with a Mobile Robot Swarm. Proc. of 7th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), Padgham, Parkes, Müller and Parsons (eds.), May, 12-16., 2008, Estoril, Portugal, pp. 39-46. Available in pdf. Early version available as technical report METU-CENG-TR-2008-01 in pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Huepe, C, Celikkanat H., Gokce, F. and Sahin, E. (2008) . Modelling Phase Transition in Self-Organized Mobile Robot Flocks. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence (ANTS’08). LNCS vol 5217, pages 108-119. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Sahin, E. and Winfield A.F.T. (2008) . Special Issue on Swarm Robotics. Swarm Intelligence, vol 2, no: 2-3.
- Turgut A.E., Celikkanat H., Gokce, F. and Sahin, E. (2008) . Self-Organized Flocking in Mobile Robot Swarms. Swarm Intelligence, vol 2, no:2-4, pp. 97-120. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- E. Rome, L. Paletta, E. Sahin, G. Dorffner, J. Hertzberg, R. Breithaupt, G. Fritz, J. Irran, F. Kintzler, C. Loerken, S. May, E. Ugur (2008) . The MACS project: An approach to affordance-based robot control, In: Towards Affordance-based Robot Control, Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar 06231, Springer-Verlag, LNAI 4760, E. Rome, J. Hertzberg, and G. Dorffner (eds.), pp. 173-210, February 2008.
- Sahin E., Girgin S., Bayindir L. and Turgut A.E. (2008) . Swarm Robotics, in Swarm Intelligence – Introduction and Applications (editors: C. Blum and D. Merkle), Springer, pp. 87-100. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Celikkanat H., Gokce, F. and Sahin, E. (2008) . Self-Organized Flocking with a Mobile Robot Swarm. In Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS’08), Padgham, Parkes, Muller and Parsons (eds.), pp. 39-46. Earlier version also available as: pdf | ppt.
- Dogar M.R., Ugur E. Sahin, E. and Cakmak M. (2008) . Using Learned Affordances for Robotic Behavior Development. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’08), pp. 3802-3807. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Gokce F., Celikkanat H., Bayindir L. and Sahin E. (2007) . Kobot: A mobile robot designed specifically for swarm robotics research. Technical report available as METU-CENG-TR-2007-05 in pdf.
- Cakmak M., Dogar M.R., Ugur E. and Sahin E. (2007), Affordances as a Framework for Robot Control.International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics (EpiRob) 2007.
- Dogar M.R., Cakmak M., Ugur E. and Sahin E. (2007), From Primitive Behaviors to Goal-Directed Behavior Using Affordances.IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2007. Available as technical report METU-CENG-TR-2007-02 in pdf. Also available as web page.
- Turgut A.E., Gokce F., Celikkanat H., Bayındır L., Sahin E. (2007), Kobot: Sürü robot çalışmaları için tasarlanmış gezgin robot platformu, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi TOK’07 (Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control), pages 259-264, 2007. Available as pdf (in Turkish).
- Ugur E., Dogar M.R., Cakmak M. and Sahin E. (2007), Curiosity-driven Learning of Traversability Affordance on a Mobile Robot. IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2007.
- Sahin E., Cakmak M., Dogar M.R., Ugur E. and Ucoluk G. (2007) .To afford or not to afford: A new formalization of affordances towards affordance-based robot control. Adaptive Behavior, Vol. 15, No. 4, 447-472. Early version available as METU-CENG-TR-2006-02 in pdf. Also available as web page
- Ugur E., Dogar M.R., Cakmak M. and Sahin E. (2007) . The learning and use of traversability affordance using range images on a mobile robot, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1721-1726. Early version available as METU-CENG-TR-2006-03 in pdf. Also available as web page.
- Turgut A.E., Cakmak M., Sahin E. and Koku B. (2006) . Ogul-Robot Sistemleri icin Sinyallesme Sistemi Tasarimi (Design of a signaling system for swarm robotic systems), Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi TOK’06 (Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control), 2006. Available as pdf (in Turkish).
- Celikkanat H., Turgut A.E., Sahin E. and Koku B. (2006) . Ogul-Robot Sistemleri icin Basit Bir Görüntüleme Sistemi Tasarımı (Design of a simple imaging system for swarm robotic systems), Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi TOK’06 (Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control), 2006. Available as pdf (in Turkish).
- Sahin E., Girgin S. and Ugur E. (2006) Area measurement of large closed regions with a mobile robot. Autonomous Robots, Vol: 21, No: 3, November 2006, pp. 255-266. Early version available as METU-CENG-TR-2005-06 in pdf.
- Sahin E. and Spears W. (editors) (2005), Swarm Robotics: State-of-the-art Survey, 3342, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
- Sahin E. (2005), Swarm Robotics: From Sources of Inspiration to Domains of Application, In Swarm Robotics: State-of-the-art Survey, Sahin E. and Spears W., editors, 3342, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 10-20, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. Available as METU-CENG-TR-2005-01 in pdf.
- O. Soysal and E. Sahin (2005). Probabilistic Aggregation Strategies in Swarm Robotic Systems, Proc. of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2005, Pasadena, California. Available as METU-CENG-TR-2005-02 in pdf.
- E. Bahceci and E. Sahin (2005). Evolving Aggregation Behaviors for Swarm Robotic Systems: A Systematic Case Study, Proc. of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2005, Pasadena, California. Available as METU-CENG-TR-2005-03 in pdf.
- Dorigo M., and Sahin E. (2004). Special Issue: Swarm Robotics Autonomous Robots. 2004, volume 17, pages 111-113.
- Dorigo M., Trianni V., Sahin E., Gross R., Labella T., Baldassarre, Nolfi S., Deneubourg J.-L., Mondada F., Floreano D., and Gambardella L. (2004). Evolving Self-Organizing Behaviors for a Swarm-Bot, Autonomous Robots. volume 17, pages 223-245.
- Girgin S., Sahin E. (2004) Blind area measurement with mobile robots. In F. Groen, N. Amato, A. Bonarini, E. Yoshida, B. Krose, editor, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-8), pages 37–44. IOS Press. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. An extended version is published as Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute, Technical Report, CMU-RI-TR-2003-42. Available in pdf.
- Trianni V., Groß R., Labella T.H., Sahin E., Dorigo M. (2003), Evolving Aggregation Behaviors in a Swarm of Robots, In W. Banzhaf, T. Christaller, P. Dittrich, J. T. Kim and J. Ziegler, editors, Advances in Artificial Life – Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2801, pages 865-874, 2003. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
- Bahceci E., Soysal O., Sahin E. (2003) A Review: Pattern Formation and Adaptation in Multi-Robot Systems. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-43. Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Soysal O., Bahceci E., and Sahin E. (2003) PES: A system for parallelized fitness evaluation of evolutionary methods. In A. Yazici and C. Sener, editors, Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2869, pages 889-896, 2002. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. Available in pdf.
2002 (Before foundation of the lab)
- Trianni V., Labella Th.H., Gross R., Sahin E., Dorigo M. and Deneubourg J.-L.(2002). Modeling Pattern Formation in a Swarm of Self-Assembling Robots. IRIDIA-TR-2002-12.
- Sahin, E. and N.R. Franks (2002). Measurement of Space: From Ants to Robots. Proceedings of WGW 2002: EPSRC/BBSRC International Workshop Biologically-Inspired Robotics: The Legacy ofW. GreyWalter, pages 241-247, Bristol, UK, August 14-16. Available as IRIDIA-TR-2002-11 in pdf (380Kb) .
- Sahin, E. and N.R. Franks (2002). Simulation of Nest Assessment Behavior by Ant Scouts. In M. Dorigo, G. Di Caro, and M. Sampels, editors, Proceedings of ANTS 2002: From Ants Colonies to Artificial Ants, 3rd International Workshop on Ants Algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2463: Ant Algorithms, pages 274-282, Berlin, Germany. Springer-Verlag. Available as IRIDIA-TR-2002-9 in pdf (335Kb) .
- Sahin, E., Labella Th.H., Trianni V., Deneubourg J.-L., Rasse P, Floreano D., Gambardella L., Mondada F., Nolfi S., and Dorigo M. (2002). Swarm-bot: Pattern Formation in a Swarm of Self-Assembling Mobile Robots. In A. El Kamel, K. Mellouli, and P. Borne, editors, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, October 6-9. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press. Available as IRIDIA-TR-2002-8 in pdf.
- Sahin E. (2001). Visual Looming as an Object-Level Range Sensing Method for Mobile Robots. IRIDIA-TR-2001-20 in pdf (520Kb) .
- Sahin E. (2001). Towards an on-line neural conditioning model for mobile robots , Bio-inspired Applications of Connectionism, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2085, 524-530, Springer. Available in pdf (661Kb) .
- Sahin E. (2001). Book Review: The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence by Ray Kurzweil, Viking, 1999. 376 pp., ISBN: 0-670-88217-8 IEEE Intelligent Systems, May/June 2001, 80-81. Available in html .
- Sahin E.(2000). Visual Object Localization for Mobile Robots. PhD thesis, Boston University.
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1999). KITE: The Khepera Integrated Testing Environment, Proceedings of the First International Khepera Workshop, Paderborn, Germany, 199-208 Available in gzip’ed postscript (661Kb) and HTML .
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1999). A Visual Object Localization System for Mobile Robots, Poster presentation at the USA-Italy Conference on Applied Neural and Cognitive Systems, Boston, MA Available in gzip’ed postscript (183Kb)
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1999). Development of a Visual Object Localization Module for Mobile Robots, Proceedings of the Eurobot’99, Third European Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots, 65-72, Zurich, Switzerland Available in gzip’ed postscript (285Kb)
- Gaudiano, P., Chang, C., Ecemis, I., Martens, S., Sahin, E., Streilein, W ., Wagner, R. (1999). Neurobotics Lab Research: Learning, Vision and Sonar Recognition with Mobile Robots, Neural Networks in Applications’99, Fourth International Workshop, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Available in gzip’ed postscript (219Kb).
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1998). Mobile robot range sensing through visual looming. Proceedings of the ISIC/CIRA/ISAS ’98, NIST, 370-375, Gaithersbug, MD Also appears as Boston University Technical Report, Available in CAS/CNS-TR-98-010. gzip’ed postscript (42Kb) and HTML
- Sahin E., Gaudiano P. and Wagner R. (1998). A comparison of visual looming and sonar as mobile robot range sensors. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cognitive And Neural Systems . Boston, MA, May 1998. Available in gzip’ed postscript (13Kb) and HTML
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1998). Visual Looming as a range sensor for mobile robots. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior , 114-119, Zurich, Switzerland. Also appears as Boston University Technical Report, CAS/CNS-TR-98-007. Available in gzip’ed postscript (173Kb) and HTML
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1997). Real-time object localization from monocular camera motion. Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision, Recognition, Action: Neural Models of Mind and Machine. Boston, MA, May 1997. Available in gzip’ed postscript (125Kb) and in HTML
- Guler, M. and Sahin E. (1996). Learning Higher-Order Correlations and Symmetries using a Periodic Activation Function. Fifth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Proceedings , Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, June 1996. Available in postscript. Also reprinted at Elektrik , Vol. 4, Supplement, 21-27, 1996
- Guler, M. and Sahin E. (1994). A Binary-Input Supervised Neural Unit that Forms Input Dependent Higher-Order Synaptic Correlations. Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, III, 730-735. San Diego, USA, 1994. Available in gzipped postscript (256K) and in HTML
- Guler, M. and Sahin E. (1994). A New Higher-Order Binary-Input Neural Unit: Learning and Generalizing Effectively via Using Minimal Number of Monomials, Third Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Proceedings , 51-60. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1994. Available in gzipped postscript (129K) and in HTML] Extended version of this work appears as a Master’s Thesis Middle East Technical University, Ankara, February 1994. Available in gzipped postscript (332K) and in HTML
Swarm Intelligence
- Celikkanat H., and Sahin, E. (2010) Steering Self-organized Robot Flocks through Externally Guided Individuals. Neural Computing and Applications journal. Available as: pdf.
- Gokce, F., and Sahin, E. (2010) The pros and cons of flocking in the long-range “migration” of mobile robot swarms. Theoretical Computer Science journal. Available as: pdf.
- E. Sahin, H. Celikkanat (2009). A Critical review of Flocking Models. Presented at ECAL’09 Workshop Agent connectivity: the role of cooperation in the regulation of the behavior of animals and robots. Available as: pdf
- Gokce F. and Sahin, E. (2009). To flock or not to flock: Pros and cons of flocking in long-range “migration” of mobile robot swarms. Proc. of The Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS’09), pp. 65-72. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Bayindir L. and Sahin, E. (2009). Modeling Self-Organized Aggregation in Swarm Robotic Systems. Proc. of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium (SIS’09), pp. 88-95. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Celikkanat H., Turgut A.E., and Sahin, E. (2009) . [http// Control of a Mobile Robot via Informed Robots]. Proc. of 9th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS’08), pp. 215-225. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Çelikkanat H., Gökçe F. and Şahin E. (2008) .Self-Organized Flocking with a Mobile Robot Swarm. Proc. of 7th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2008), Padgham, Parkes, Müller and Parsons (eds.), May, 12-16., 2008, Estoril, Portugal, pp. 39-46. Available in pdf. Early version available as technical report METU-CENG-TR-2008-01 in pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Huepe, C, Celikkanat H., Gokce, F. and Sahin, E. (2008) . Modelling Phase Transition in Self-Organized Mobile Robot Flocks. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence (ANTS’08). LNCS vol 5217, pages 108-119. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Sahin, E. and Winfield A.F.T. (2008) . Special Issue on Swarm Robotics. Swarm Intelligence, vol 2, no: 2-3.
- Turgut A.E., Celikkanat H., Gokce, F. and Sahin, E. (2008) . Self-Organized Flocking in Mobile Robot Swarms. Swarm Intelligence, vol 2, no:2-4, pp. 97-120. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Gokce F., Celikkanat H., Bayindir L. and Sahin E. (2007) . Kobot: A mobile robot designed specifically for swarm robotics research. Technical report available as METU-CENG-TR-2007-05 in pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Gokce F., Celikkanat H., Bayındır L., Sahin E. (2007), Kobot: Sürü robot çalışmaları için tasarlanmış gezgin robot platformu, Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi TOK’07 (Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control), pages 259-264, 2007. Available as pdf (in Turkish).
- Turgut A.E., Cakmak M., Sahin E. and Koku B. (2006) . Ogul-Robot Sistemleri icin Sinyallesme Sistemi Tasarimi (Design of a signaling system for swarm robotic systems), Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi TOK’06 (Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control), 2006. Available as pdf (in Turkish).
- Celikkanat H., Turgut A.E., Sahin E. and Koku B. (2006) . Ogul-Robot Sistemleri icin Basit Bir Görüntüleme Sistemi Tasarımı (Design of a simple imaging system for swarm robotic systems), Otomatik Kontrol Ulusal Toplantisi TOK’06 (Turkish National Conference on Automatic Control), 2006. Available as pdf (in Turkish).
- Sahin E., Girgin S. and Ugur E. (2006) Area measurement of large closed regions with a mobile robot. Autonomous Robots, Vol: 21, No: 3, November 2006, pp. 255-266. Early version available as METU-CENG-TR-2005-06 in pdf.
- Sahin E. and Spears W. (editors) (2005), Swarm Robotics: State-of-the-art Survey, 3342, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag.
- Sahin E. (2005), Swarm Robotics: From Sources of Inspiration to Domains of Application, In Swarm Robotics: State-of-the-art Survey, Sahin E. and Spears W., editors, 3342, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 10-20, Berlin Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag. Available as METU-CENG-TR-2005-01 in pdf.
- O. Soysal and E. Sahin (2005). Probabilistic Aggregation Strategies in Swarm Robotic Systems, Proc. of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2005, Pasadena, California. Available as METU-CENG-TR-2005-02 in pdf.
- E. Bahceci and E. Sahin (2005). Evolving Aggregation Behaviors for Swarm Robotic Systems: A Systematic Case Study, Proc. of the IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium, 2005, Pasadena, California. Available as METU-CENG-TR-2005-03 in pdf.
- Dorigo M., and Sahin E. (2004). Special Issue: Swarm Robotics Autonomous Robots. 2004, volume 17, pages 111-113.
- Dorigo M., Trianni V., Sahin E., Gross R., Labella T., Baldassarre, Nolfi S., Deneubourg J.-L., Mondada F., Floreano D., and Gambardella L. (2004). Evolving Self-Organizing Behaviors for a Swarm-Bot, Autonomous Robots. volume 17, pages 223-245.
- Girgin S., Sahin E. (2004) Blind area measurement with mobile robots. In F. Groen, N. Amato, A. Bonarini, E. Yoshida, B. Krose, editor, Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IAS-8), pages 37–44. IOS Press. Amsterdam, the Netherlands. An extended version is published as Carnegie Mellon University, Robotics Institute, Technical Report, CMU-RI-TR-2003-42. Available in pdf.
- Trianni V., Groß R., Labella T.H., Sahin E., Dorigo M. (2003), Evolving Aggregation Behaviors in a Swarm of Robots, In W. Banzhaf, T. Christaller, P. Dittrich, J. T. Kim and J. Ziegler, editors, Advances in Artificial Life – Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2801, pages 865-874, 2003. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany
- Bahceci E., Soysal O., Sahin E. (2003) A Review: Pattern Formation and Adaptation in Multi-Robot Systems. Technical Report CMU-RI-TR-03-43. Carnegie Mellon Univ, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Soysal O., Bahceci E., and Sahin E. (2003) PES: A system for parallelized fitness evaluation of evolutionary methods. In A. Yazici and C. Sener, editors, Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2869, pages 889-896, 2002. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. Available in pdf.
- Trianni V., Labella Th.H., Gross R., Sahin E., Dorigo M. and Deneubourg J.-L.(2002). Modeling Pattern Formation in a Swarm of Self-Assembling Robots. IRIDIA-TR-2002-12.
- Sahin, E. and N.R. Franks (2002). Measurement of Space: From Ants to Robots. Proceedings of WGW 2002: EPSRC/BBSRC International Workshop Biologically-Inspired Robotics: The Legacy ofW. GreyWalter, pages 241-247, Bristol, UK, August 14-16. Available as IRIDIA-TR-2002-11 in pdf (380Kb) .
- Sahin, E. and N.R. Franks (2002). Simulation of Nest Assessment Behavior by Ant Scouts. In M. Dorigo, G. Di Caro, and M. Sampels, editors, Proceedings of ANTS 2002: From Ants Colonies to Artificial Ants, 3rd International Workshop on Ants Algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2463: Ant Algorithms, pages 274-282, Berlin, Germany. Springer-Verlag. Available as IRIDIA-TR-2002-9 in pdf (335Kb) .
- Sahin, E., Labella Th.H., Trianni V., Deneubourg J.-L., Rasse P, Floreano D., Gambardella L., Mondada F., Nolfi S., and Dorigo M. (2002). Swarm-bot: Pattern Formation in a Swarm of Self-Assembling Mobile Robots. In A. El Kamel, K. Mellouli, and P. Borne, editors, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hammamet, Tunisia, October 6-9. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press. Available as IRIDIA-TR-2002-8 in pdf.
Cognitive Robotics
- I. Bozcan, S. Kalkan, “COSMO: Contextualized Scene Modeling with Boltzmann Machines”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal, submitted, 2018. ArxivWWW
- F. I. Dogan, I. Bozcan, M. Celik, S. Kalkan, “CINet: A Learning Based Approach to Incremental Context Modeling in Robots”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), accepted, 2018. ArxivWWW
- I. Bozcan, S. Kalkan, “What is (missing or wrong) in the scene? A Hybrid Deep Boltzmann Machine For Contextualized Scene Modeling”, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018. ArxivWWW
- I. Dogan, S. Kalkan, “A Deep Incremental Boltzmann Machine for Modeling Context in Robots”, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018. ArxivWWW
- U. A. Aydin, S. Kalkan, C. Acarturk, “Dynamic Gaze Analysis”, International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium, 2017 (in Turkish). PDF
- U. A. Aydin, S. Kalkan, C. Acarturk, “A Gaze-Centered Multimodal Approach to Human-Human Social Interaction”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics Workshop on Cognition in Mixed Realities, Exeter, UK, 2017. (PDF)
- F. I. Dogan, S. Kalkan, “Hierarchical Context Modeling Using Incremental Deep Boltzmann Machines”, Technical Report No: METU-CENG-TR-2017-01, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2017. PDF
- I. Bozcan, S. Kalkan, “Combining Different Knowledge-bases into a Single Partially-grounded Robotic Knowledge-base”, Technical Report No: METU-CENG-TR-2017-02, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2017. PDF
- M. Celik, S. Kalkan, “An Approach to Modeling Context Using Semantic Maps”, Technical Report No: METU-CENG-TR-2017-03, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2017. PDF
- H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “Learning Context on a Humanoid Robot using Incremental Latent Dirichlet Allocation”, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems, 8(1):42-59, 2016. Technical ReportPublisher’s Website.
- F. I. Dogan, S. Kalkan, “The hierarchical nature of context”, Turkiye Robotbilim Konferansi (ToRK), Istanbul Gedik University Publications, ISBN: 9786058557215, pp. 48-51, 2-3 November, 2016 (in Turkish) PDF
- M. Celik, S. Kalkan, “Contexts and concepts in robots: Too far, too close”, Turkiye Robotbilim Konferansi (ToRK), Istanbul Gedik University Publications, ISBN: 9786058557215, pp. 52-55, 2-3 November, 2016 (in Turkish) PDF
- H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, S. Kalkan, “A Probabilistic Concept Web in a Humanoid Robot”, IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (TAMD), (7)2:92-106, 2015. PreprintPublisher’s Website
- H. Celikkanat, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “Integrating Spatial Concepts into a Probabilistic Concept Web”, 17th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), IEEE, Istanbul, 2015. pdf
- I. Atil, S. Kalkan, “Towards an Embodied Developing Vision System”, Kuenstliche Intelligenz (German Journal of Artificial Intelligence), Invited for a special issue on “Bio-inspired Vision Systems”, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (in press), 2015. PreprintPublisher’s Website
- H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Sahin and S. Kalkan, “Insansi Robotlarda Baglamin Ogrenilmesi”, 1nci Turkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansi (TORK), ODTU, 6-7 Kasim 2014. pdf (in Turkish)
- F. Gokce, S. Olgunsoylu, G. Ucoluk, E. Sahin and S. Kalkan, “Goruntu Isleme ile Mikro Insansiz Hava Araclarinin Algilanmasi”, 1nci Turkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansi (TORK), ODTU, 6-7 Kasim 2014. pdf (in Turkish)
- H. Celikkanat, G. Orhan, N. Pugeault, F. Guerin, E. Sahin and S. Kalkan, “Learning and Using Context on a Humanoid Robot Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation”, Int. Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob), 2014. pdf
- H. Celikkanat, S. Kalkan, “Using Slowness Principle for Feature Selection: Relevant Feature Analysis”, 22nd IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Applications (Special Session on Cognitive Robotics and Applications), Trabzon, Turkey, 2014. pdf
- S. Kalkan, N. Dag, O. Yuruten, A. M. Borghi, E. Sahin, “Verb Concepts from Affordances”, Interaction Studies Journal, 15(1):1-37, 2014. PreprintPublisher’s webpage
- O. Yuruten, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “The Learning of Adjectives and Nouns from Affordance and Appearance Features”, Adaptive Behavior, 21(6):437-451, 2013. PreprintPublisher
- H. Celikkanat, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “Recurrent Slow Feature Analysis for Developing Object Permanence in Robots”, IROS Workshop on Neuroscience and Robotics, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2013. pdf
- Uyanik K.F., Caliskan Y., Bozcuoglu A.K., Yuruten O., Kalkan S. and Sahin, E., “Learning Social Affordances and Using Them for Planning”, 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2013. pdf
- G. Orhan, S. Olgunsoylu, E. Sahin, S. Kalkan, “Co-learning nouns and adjectives”, IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics, Osaka, Japan, 2013. pdf
- S. Kalkan, O. Yuruten, E. Sahin, “Relating Affordances with Verbs, Nouns and Adjectives”, Special Session on Cognitive Robotics and Applications, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- Yuruten O., Uyanik K. F., Caliskan, Y., Bozcuoglu, A. K. Sahin E., Kalkan S., “Learning Adjectives and Nouns from Affordances on the iCub Humanoid Robot”. 12th Int. Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Denmark, 2012. Available as: pdf.
- Uyanik K. F., Yuruten O., Kalkan S., Sahin E. “Towards Context-aware Adjective Learning”. ICRA 2012 Future of HRI Workshop, MI, USA. Available as: pdf
- Bozcuoglu, A.K., Sahin, E., “Traversability on a simple humanoid: What did I just trip over?”, 11th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), pp. 701-706, 26-28 Oct. 2011. IEEE Xplore
- Atil I., Dag N., Kalkan S. and Sahin E. (2010) Affordances and Emergence of Concepts 10th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics Available as: pdf
- Akgun B., Tunaoglu D. and Sahin E. (2010) Action Recognition through an Action Generation Mechanism. 10th International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics Available as: pdf
- Dag N., Atil I., Kalkan S. and Sahin E. (2010) Learning Affordances for Categorizing Objects and Their Properties International Conference on Pattern Recognition Available as: pdf
- Ugur E., and Sahin, E. (in press) Traversability: A Case Study for Learning and Perceiving Affordances in Robots. Adaptive Behavior journal. Available as: pdf.
- E. Ugur, E. Oztop, E. Sahin (accepted). Affordance learning from range data for multi-step planning. Proc. of Epirob’09.Earlier version also available as: pdf
- E. Sahin, S.T. Erdogan (2009). Towards linking affordances with mirror/canonical neurons. Presented at ISCIS Special Session on Cognitive Cybernetics and Brain Modeling. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- E. Ugur, E. Sahin, E. Oztop (2009). Predicting future object states using learned affordances. Presented at ISCIS Special Session on Cognitive Cybernetics and Brain Modeling. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- B. Akgun, N. Dag, T. Bilal, I. Atil, E. Sahin. (2009) Unsupervised Learning of Affordance Relations on a Humanoid Robot. Proc. of ISCIS’09. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- E. Ugur, E. Oztop, E. Sahin (2009). Learning Object Affordances for Planning. Presented at ICRA’09 Workshop on Sensorimotor Learning. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- E. Rome, L. Paletta, E. Sahin, G. Dorffner, J. Hertzberg, R. Breithaupt, G. Fritz, J. Irran, F. Kintzler, C. Loerken, S. May, E. Ugur (2008) . The MACS project: An approach to affordance-based robot control, In: Towards Affordance-based Robot Control, Proceedings of Dagstuhl Seminar 06231, Springer-Verlag, LNAI 4760, E. Rome, J. Hertzberg, and G. Dorffner (eds.), pp. 173-210, February 2008.
- Sahin E., Girgin S., Bayindir L. and Turgut A.E. (2008) . Swarm Robotics, in Swarm Intelligence – Introduction and Applications (editors: C. Blum and D. Merkle), Springer, pp. 87-100. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Turgut A.E., Celikkanat H., Gokce, F. and Sahin, E. (2008) . Self-Organized Flocking with a Mobile Robot Swarm. In Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS’08), Padgham, Parkes, Muller and Parsons (eds.), pp. 39-46. Earlier version also available as: pdf | ppt.
- Dogar M.R., Ugur E. Sahin, E. and Cakmak M. (2008) . Using Learned Affordances for Robotic Behavior Development. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’08), pp. 3802-3807. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Dogar M.R., Ugur E. Sahin, E. and Cakmak M. (2008) . Using Learned Affordances for Robotic Behavior Development. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’08), pp. 3802-3807. Earlier version also available as: pdf.
- Cakmak M., Dogar M.R., Ugur E. and Sahin E. (2007), Affordances as a Framework for Robot Control.International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics (EpiRob) 2007.
- Dogar M.R., Cakmak M., Ugur E. and Sahin E. (2007), From Primitive Behaviors to Goal-Directed Behavior Using Affordances.IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2007. Available as technical report METU-CENG-TR-2007-02 in pdf. Also available as web page.
- Ugur E., Dogar M.R., Cakmak M. and Sahin E. (2007), Curiosity-driven Learning of Traversability Affordance on a Mobile Robot. IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2007.
- Sahin E., Cakmak M., Dogar M.R., Ugur E. and Ucoluk G. (2007) .To afford or not to afford: A new formalization of affordances towards affordance-based robot control. Accepted to Adaptive Behavior. Early version available as METU-CENG-TR-2006-02 in pdf.
- Ugur E., Dogar M.R., Cakmak M. and Sahin E. (2007) . The learning and use of traversability affordance using range images on a mobile robot, In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 1721-1726. Early version available as METU-CENG-TR-2006-03 in pdf. Also available as web page.
- Sahin E. (2001). Towards an on-line neural conditioning model for mobile robots , Bio-inspired Applications of Connectionism, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2085, 524-530, Springer. Available in pdf (661Kb) .
- Sahin E. (2001). Book Review: The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence by Ray Kurzweil, Viking, 1999. 376 pp., ISBN: 0-670-88217-8 IEEE Intelligent Systems, May/June 2001, 80-81. Available in html .
- Sahin E.(2000). Visual Object Localization for Mobile Robots. PhD thesis, Boston University.
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1999). KITE: The Khepera Integrated Testing Environment, Proceedings of the First International Khepera Workshop, Paderborn, Germany, 199-208 Available in gzip’ed postscript (661Kb) and HTML .
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1999). A Visual Object Localization System for Mobile Robots, Poster presentation at the USA-Italy Conference on Applied Neural and Cognitive Systems, Boston, MA Available in gzip’ed postscript (183Kb)
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1999). Development of a Visual Object Localization Module for Mobile Robots, Proceedings of the Eurobot’99, Third European Workshop on Advanced Mobile Robots, 65-72, Zurich, Switzerland Available in gzip’ed postscript (285Kb)
- Gaudiano, P., Chang, C., Ecemis, I., Martens, S., Sahin, E., Streilein, W ., Wagner, R. (1999). Neurobotics Lab Research: Learning, Vision and Sonar Recognition with Mobile Robots, Neural Networks in Applications’99, Fourth International Workshop, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, Available in gzip’ed postscript (219Kb).
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1998). Mobile robot range sensing through visual looming. Proceedings of the ISIC/CIRA/ISAS ’98, NIST, 370-375, Gaithersbug, MD Also appears as Boston University Technical Report, Available in CAS/CNS-TR-98-010. gzip’ed postscript (42Kb) and HTML
- Sahin E., Gaudiano P. and Wagner R. (1998). A comparison of visual looming and sonar as mobile robot range sensors. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Cognitive And Neural Systems . Boston, MA, May 1998. Available in gzip’ed postscript (13Kb) and HTML
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1998). Visual Looming as a range sensor for mobile robots. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior , 114-119, Zurich, Switzerland. Also appears as Boston University Technical Report, CAS/CNS-TR-98-007. Available in gzip’ed postscript (173Kb) and HTML
- Sahin E. and Gaudiano P. (1997). Real-time object localization from monocular camera motion. Proceedings of the International Conference on Vision, Recognition, Action: Neural Models of Mind and Machine. Boston, MA, May 1997. Available in gzip’ed postscript (125Kb) and in HTML
- Guler, M. and Sahin E. (1996). Learning Higher-Order Correlations and Symmetries using a Periodic Activation Function. Fifth Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Proceedings , Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, June 1996. Available in postscript. Also reprinted at Elektrik , Vol. 4, Supplement, 21-27, 1996
- Guler, M. and Sahin E. (1994). A Binary-Input Supervised Neural Unit that Forms Input Dependent Higher-Order Synaptic Correlations. Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks, III, 730-735. San Diego, USA, 1994. Available in gzipped postscript (256K) and in HTML
- Guler, M. and Sahin E. (1994). A New Higher-Order Binary-Input Neural Unit: Learning and Generalizing Effectively via Using Minimal Number of Monomials, Third Turkish Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks Proceedings , 51-60. Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 1994. Available in gzipped postscript (129K) and in HTML] Extended version of this work appears as a Master’s Thesis Middle East Technical University, Ankara, February 1994. Available in gzipped postscript (332K) and in HTML
- K. Oksuz, B. C. Cam, E. Akbas, S. Kalkan, “Localization Recall Precision (LRP): A New Performance Metric for Object Detection”, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), accepted, 2018. ArxivWWW
- O. Tursun, C. Aker, S. Kalkan, “A Large-scale Dataset and Benchmark for Similar Trademark Retrieval”, major revision. ArxivMETU Trademark Retrieval Dataset.
- C. Aker, S. Kalkan, “Using Deep Networks for Drone Detection”, International Workshop on Small-Drone Surveillance, Detection and Counteraction Techniques organised within AVSS, 2017. Arxiv
- Coluccia et al., “Drone-vs-Bird detection challenge at IEEE AVSS2017”, International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS), 2017. Publisher’s site
- C. Aker, O. Tursun, S. Kalkan, “Analyzing Deep Features for Trademark Retrieval”, 25th Conference on Signal Processing and Applications (SIU), Turkey, 2017 (in Turkish). PDF
- M. Yaman, S. Kalkan, “Performance Evaluation of similarity measures for dense multimodal stereo vision”, J. Electron. Imaging 25(3), 033013, 2016. PreprintPublisher’s Website.
- O. Oztimur, M. A. Akkus, S. Kalkan, “An MRF Framework for Co-Solving Image Segmentation and Border Ownership”, IEEE 23rd Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Malatya, Turkey, 2015 (in Turkish). pdf
- W. Tuerxun, S. Kalkan, “A Challenging Big Dataset for Benchmarking Trademark Retrieval”, 14th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, Tokyo, 2015. pdfMETU Trademark Dataset
- I. Atil, S. Kalkan, “Towards an Embodied Developing Vision System”, Kuenstliche Intelligenz (German Journal of Artificial Intelligence), Invited for a special issue on “Bio-inspired Vision Systems”, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, (in press), 2015. PreprintPublisher’s Website
- M. Yaman, S. Kalkan, “An Iterative Adaptive Multi-modal Stereo-vision Method using Mutual Information”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 26(0):115-131, 2015. PreprintPublisher’s Website
- F. Gokce, S. Olgunsoylu, G. Ucoluk, E. Sahin and S. Kalkan, “Goruntu Isleme ile Mikro Insansiz Hava Araclarinin Algilanmasi”, 1nci Turkiye Otonom Robotlar Konferansi (TORK), ODTU, 6-7 Kasim 2014. pdf (in Turkish)
- F. Yousefi, E. Sivri, O. Kaya, S. Suloglu, S. Kalkan, “Analysis of Widely-used Descriptors for Finger-vein Recognition”, Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, 2014. pdf
- N. Krueger, P. Janssen, S. Kalkan, M. Lappe, A. Leonardis, J. Piater, A. J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, L. Wiskott, “Deep Hierarchies in the Primate Visual Cortex: What Can We Learn For Computer Vision?”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 35(8):1847-1871, August 2013. Preprint
- E. Sivri, S. Kalkan, “A Novel Shape Descriptor: Intersection Consistency Histograms “, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- M. A. Akkus, M. Aydinlilar, S. Kalkan, “Analysis of Junctions with Underlying Range Images”, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- M. A. Akkus, G. Topuz, B. Ozkan, S. Kalkan, “A Comprehensive Database for Border Ownership”, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- B. Ozkan, S. Kalkan, “Extraction of Border Ownership Information by Conditional Random Field Model”, IEEE 21st Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Applications, Girne, KKTC, 2013 (in Turkish). Available as pdf
- Yaman M., Kalkan S., “Multimodal Stereo Vision Using Mutual Information with Adaptive Windowing”, 13th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, Kyoto, Japan, 2013. Available as: pdf
- Sivri E., Kalkan S., “Global Binary Patterns: A Novel Shape Descriptor”, 13th IAPR Conference on Machine Vision and Applications, Kyoto, Japan, 2013. Available as: pdf
- J. Ralli, J. Diaz, E. Ros, S. Kalkan, N. Krueger, “Disparity Disambiguation by Fusion of Signal- and Symbolic-Level Information”, Machine Vision and Applications, 23(1):65-77, 2012.
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