CEng 793 - Advanced Deep Learning - Spring 2017

[Image generated by http://deepdreamgenerator.com/]

Course conduct

This is an advanced graduate class that builds upon CEng 783 (Fall 2016; Spring 2017). The emphasis will be on paper discussion and term project. In the first four or five weeks, we will give an overview of various topics in deep learning, then in the rest of the course, we will be discussing 2-3 papers per week. Each student will present but most importantly, each student will be expected to read the weekly assigned papers before coming to class.


Detailed weekly schedule & lecture notes:

Week 1 (Feb 23)

Week 2 (Mar 2)

Week 3 (Mar 9)

Week 4 (Mar 16)

Week 5 (Mar 23)

Week 6 (Mar 30)

Week 7 (Apr 6)

Week 8 (Apr 13)

Week 9 (Apr 20)

Week 10 (Apr 27)

Week 11 (May 4)

Week 12 (May 11)

Week 13 (May 18)

Week 14 (May 25)

Last updated on 2017-09-30. Created using pandoc.